Is your toddler on track or falling behind?

⬇︎Find your child's age:

12 month olds ➜ 2 to 6 words
15 month olds ➜ 10 words
18 month olds ➜ 50 words
24 month olds ➜ 200-300
30 month olds ➜ 450 words
36 month olds ➜ 1,000 words
Four year olds ➜ 1,600 words
Five year olds ➜ 2,200 to 2,500

Are they behind?
Don't can help them:
Learn about Adrienne's 7-Step Process to help your toddler talk more

"My daughter is less frustrated and SO proud of herself. I couldn't be more thrilled. I always knew she had the words. Thank you for giving me the tools I needed to help my daughter."

"My daughter will be 2 in February and, despite having been in special instruction/play therapy for months, she was not saying more than 5 words...max.
I felt embarrassed and disappointed in myself.
Felt that I failed her as her mom.

I purchased this online class and now my daughter is exploding with words.
She's so excited to read books and learn. Today, for the first time ever, she took the book and "read" to ME. She is now imitating everything that I consistently do with our book.
In this online class, I figured out my daughter's learning style. I have become much more energetic and I feel relieved and excited to be able to help my daughter. She has always loved to learn new things now she is excited to learn them from me. This class changed our lives. I just want to say THANK YOU." ~Vanessa B., Mom of a toddler


Toddlers who are behind in talking skills:

  1. Get frustrated quickly. They may hit, push, cry, whine, or bite to get what they want because they can't talk yet.
  2. Have behavior problems that may increase later when they get to preschool.
  3. May be lonely and not have many friends because they aren't able to communicate.

Taking a "wait and see" approach is not helpful for your child because each month you wait, the farther behind your child may become.

Talking delays should be addressed as early as possible. 

So what can you do?

Trust your mom-instincts. 

Your pediatrician has a medical degree, BUT he or she does not have a Masters Degree in Communication Disorders. Pediatricians do not have adequate training in communication delays to diagnose communication delays or disorders. 

That is why your pediatrician refers you to a certified, licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, like me.

BUT, some pediatricians tell parents to "wait and see." 


Research shows:

  1. When children don’t catch up in their language skills, they may have continual language difficulties, & difficulty with reading and writing when they get to school. 
  2. Toddlers develop the majority of their speech and language skills in the first 3 years of life. During this time, communication influences how the brain develops.
  3. Getting support early is critically important because infants, toddlers and preschoolers have developing brains that are designed to learn communication skills. 
  4. As a parent, you can learn language strategies so that your child can develop healthy speech and language development.

You know your child best. 

It breaks my heart when kids don't get the help they need early on.

So, while other parents waste time taking the "wait and see" approach...

let's get your child TALKING!

Let me help you get your toddler talking. Click to learn about the 7 Step Process to help your toddler talk more

My heart glowed to hear her!

"Even after one afternoon of implementing your material, beginning with the first building block, I feel like my daughter is making more verbal efforts.

My heart glowed to hear her really going after it to imitate the singing of a song we were playing tonight. I wasn't even trying to solicit it, she just did it on her own!

Your class is so good! I feel so much better equipped and empowered to help her language development thanks to you."

~Ben, father of a 21-month-old


How do I help my child talk without feeling flustered and doubting myself?

The tantrums + power-struggles are real...

Your (usually) sweet and silly child has started screaming to get what he wants + he is busting your ear drums.

He doesn't understand the word "No."

Something has gotta change. 

Because you KNOW that your toddler has to be able to tell you what he needs. 

Imagine if, after watching my 30-minute video class, you had a game plan for getting him to talk, plus checklists, action steps, and videos that show you exactly how to help him?

THE blueprint to take your toddler from barely saying any words to talking in phrases.

You are searching for real-life examples + strategies that actually work.

You just want someone to SHOW you how to help your child talk. 

Simple things you can actually do at home. No fluff. Parents don't have time for fluff. Just give us the action steps, pleeeease!

No special prep or materials needed.


What are Moms who enrolled in this class saying?

  • "I've been trying to get my son to repeat words (with almost no success). In your online class, you explained what we need to be working on at every step, it was such a relief. I can do that. I now feel like I have a game plan and look forward to working through it all with my son." ~Sandy J., Mom
  • Sandy J. (1 month later) "Update: My son has suddenly made extreme progress! Yay! He's becoming more vocal and imitating. This was the first time he tried saying towel!"
  • "I purchased the course and have already gone through all the modules and it is AWESOME! Thank you so much for doing this!" ~Amanda N., Mom
  • "Thanks So Much! My toddler has made so much progress! I teach children with cognitive delays, and know quite a few general communication strategies - so I'm ashamed to say I was a bit embarrassed and confused that my toddler was behind in his speech ("This is supposed to be my territory!"Lol) I really love that you make it so easy to implement communication into everyday routines. That is the very thing has made all the difference for me! Not spending so much time setting up intricate activities, just using my time to interact :)" ~Melissa, Mom
  • "I have actually implemented the bath time skills during regular activities which has been really encouraging. He started saying "Yes" a few weeks ago and that changed everything - less fits, less anger - all because we understand each other more. And there are still fits, but they are usually caused by not getting what he wants instead of me not understanding him. I love learning from you and doing your program." Lauren H., Mom

What is Included in the Online Class?

  • 9 Video Lessons from Adrienne, Speech Language Pathologist.
  • Video lessons, fully online.
  • It will take you 30 minutes total to complete the whole class (I know you are a busy parent, so I keep the lessons concise and to-the-point, so you can start implementing the strategies today).
  • 7 printable checklists to keep your child on track.
  • Watch lessons on your smartphone, iPad, or computer at your convenience.

  • Lifetime access to the class. Go at your own pace. And rewatch them whenever you need. 

  • You can begin learning today.

Who is this Class Designed For?

  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Caregivers
  • Early Learning Professionals
  • Speech Language Pathologists
  • Child age range: newborn to three years old.
  • For children who are not talking at all and/or children who are just beginning to talk a little.

As seen on:

Here's how the class works:


As soon as you enroll, you will receive an email address with your log-in link and you will have access to the whole class. You'll print out your 7 Building Blocks Printables, and press play on the first video lesson.


As you go about your daily routine, try out your new skills the very same day with your toddler. Work your way down the printable lists and follow the instructions step-by-step.

From zero words to talking in sentences!

"We learned so much from you.

We've made visual cues for our son over the summer and he now requests yogurt, drink, and crackers!

He says, "I want yogurt, etc. He relies less and less on the cues.

He now says, "I want yogurt and drink" even without the visual cues.

It's just really encouraging!

He's also pointing and saying pictures in books on his own! Thank you again for your help."

~Camille, parent of a toddler & a student in my online class


From feeling like a failure to feeling confident

My son wasn't saying any words consistently before I enrolled in Adrienne’s online class.

I felt like I had failed him.

I thought that if I had tried harder to help him we'd be further along.

I just genuinely felt like a failure.

I had no idea how to help him.

I figured just repeat repeat repeat. Saying ball, ball, ball. I thought he'd eventually make the connection.

I learned that learning to speak isn't as easy as just, "this is a ball."

Speaking starts way before the word comes.

I enrolled in Adrienne’s online class because I needed to be able to have clear direction on what I could do to help my son.

He's in the CHMS program at school but there's a huge disconnect. Therapists are so busy helping everyone's child that they don't always have time to discuss what they're working on with my child and what I could do to help.

So I felt like I needed a game plan. Adrienne’s class was well thought-out and easy to follow.

She has so many ideas and shows you how, with one little thing, you can make it into so much more. Even zipping up a coat becomes a learning opportunity!

After taking the class I felt reassured.

The techniques shown helped me realize that my son knew more than I thought he did.

He has started to try out words. He easily mimics me now, whereas before I couldn't get him to do it at all.

It's great information for every parent. I have Googled so much trying to help my son learn to speak. I never found anything that compares to how Adrienne had everything laid out in her online class.

Now, I see opportunities everywhere. Not just at home.

Everywhere we go, we're learning.

At the store and we see a baby crying, "where's the baby? There it is! Oh that baby is sad. Can you show me what sad looks like? There's a dinosaur, what sound does a dinosaur make? Rawr!"

I recently took my son to the ENT doctor. We were waiting for quite some time and there was nothing kid-friendly in the waiting room. Immediately my mind started thinking, "what would Adrienne do?"

So we went through every brochure on the wall, looking and pointing a dogs, clouds, butterflies.... everything! I even read him a brochure in my most animated, voice about protective ear pieces that you can have custom made for hunting or any loud activity.

I never would have thought of that before.

After taking Adrienne's class, I feel empowered! I feel like I can actually do something to help.

Instead of feeling like I failed him and that his progress is only because of his therapists, I feel confident that I am doing my part.”

~Sandra, Mom of an almost 3 year old


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