Hey, I'm Adrienne

Here's what I believe...


Your thoughts matter.

Your baby's thoughts matter.

Tune into both.

Your toddler isn't talking much and you feel:

😬 worried
πŸ˜” inadequate 
πŸ˜’ helpless
😩 anxious
😠 frustrated

My videos help your toddler:

πŸ’¬ talk clearly
πŸ‘‚πŸΌ listen well
πŸ™ŒπŸΌ learn life skills

So you can start feeling:

😎 Confident
😏 Knowledgeable
πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ Empowered

Click to watch the toddler strategy videos

A little about me:

I'm Adrienne, M.S. CCC-SLP

  • I have been a Speech-Language Pathologist since 2012. 

  • I earned my Masters Degree in Communication Disorders.

  • I am certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

  • I guide parents through the building blocks of talking skills.

  • My husband and I live in Tennessee with our 2 sons.
  • I've been interviewed on TV, in a magazine, in podcasts, etc.


How can I serve you today?

You don't need to buy fancy toys, fancy materials, and fancy gadgets to help your toddler talk more. I teach you how to layer in language skills into the mundane moments and the daily routines you are ALREADY doing with your toddler.

I'm nervous he is already behind in his speech and may not catch up to other kids his age:

Milestones Checklists for talking + speech development:

That’s me! Give me the free Milestones Checklist!

I need to know what my toddler is trying to tell me. Which usually turns into guilt and self doubt. What can I do differently?

Yes… I need to learn how to get my toddler talking.

Get my exact step-by-step process to get your toddler talking more + tantruming less

Sometimes I feel bored with my toddler, not sure what I can do with her.

I wish I knew how to be more creative with her.

Yes please! I want to watch Youtube videos with creative ideas to do with my toddler.

You are the mama who is secretly jealous + resentful...

...when your best friend won’t stop talking about how her brilliant prodigy daughter is talking in sentences already.


You are the mama whose cheeks turn red...

when the pediatrician asks,

β€œSo how many words is he saying now?”

...and you answer, β€œZero words” 

My classes + videos show caring moms like you how to:

➜ turn toddler power struggles into toddler talking skills
➜ bring more meaningful toddler activities into your lives
➜ do more creative things, without feeling overwhelmed + scrolling on Pinterest for hours

"We have different gifts...

if it is teaching, then teach;

if it is to encourage, then give encouragement...

if it is to lead, do it diligently."

Romans 12:6-8

Hey hey hey! You are my kind of person...you read all the way to the bottom of this page! :)

Here are some more things about me:

  • I live in Kentucky with my husband & our 2 sons.
  • We are diving into homeschooling this year and I am really enjoying it so far!
  • My husband & I first met at a Swing Dancing event. If there is music + a dance floor, we’re out there doing some East Coast Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, and Foxtrot moves.
  • I host a weekly Bible study and we are reading through the entire Bible chronologically using the Bible Recap chronological plan. This will be the first time we all have read the entire Bible in a year!
  • I love memorizing scripture. If you ever need to memorize anything, google:  "memory palace." I used that strategy and it totally worked for me to memorize 17 verses! I am a Christian + am thankful that my hope and rest is not found in this broken world. If you have questions, let me know, I'd be happy to listen to you.

As seen in: