But there are so many distractions.
You sit down to read a book.
She flips the pages so fast.
Two seconds later, she throws the book onto the floor.
On to the next toy.
Will it ever get better?
but he gets distracted and bored.
he wants to read the SAME book. Again!
to keep your child's attention.
Reading aloud is a lifestyle you can cultivate.
β I understand how it feels to second-guess yourself.
β To wonder if you are failing your child.
β I believe that you can learn this skill.
You are already on the right track...
After 10 years of working with hundreds ofΒ parents and their children, the strategies I share are kid-tested and parent-approved! Why do these strategies work? Because they are based on research.
β I am a board certified, state licensed pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist.
β I have over 3,000 hours of clinical pediatric experience.
β I have a Masters Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
β Watch how Adrienne reads 10 of the most popular children's books to boost language skills
β Learn the top 10 strategies Adrienne uses for book time
β Learn how to increase your child's attention span
I am confident that my methods and strategies will help you:
β Captivate your child's attention
β Raise your child to LOVE books + learning
β Create life-long memories with your child
Kids whose parents read to them during infancy and toddler years have BETTER language skills when they start school.
Words become our thoughts.
When kids learn more words, they can THINK on a higher level.
What gives us a diverse vocabulary? Books.
Your kid looks up to you.
If you are having fun reading to them, they will have fun, too.
Help your child develop a lifelong love of learning.
Learn step-by-step strategies from Adrienne, a Speech-Language Pathologist.
β Learn how you can handles the most common reading issues:
Raise kids who love to learn. Readers become leaders.
50% Complete
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